Hello, and welcome to my blog.  If we consider the basic calories theory for weight loss (calories-in calories out), then yes, theoretically speaking, if you eat fewer calorie rich foods, your body should release fat stores as fuel to help it burn fats.  

How can I loss 1kg in a week!

However, unless you have trained your body to do so, it's not going to happen overnight. You need to gradually change your diet and slowly increase protein intake. Protein helps build muscle mass and helps your body store less fat than carbs. So, if you want to lose weight, eating more protein may help. 

Here, I'll give some suggestions about what to eat each day to achieve this goal. A good idea would be to start by consuming 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight every day. To calculate your daily caloric intake, multiply your current body weight (in Kg) by 2. So if you weigh 67 kg, you'll have 134 grams of protein per day. 

Divide this number by 4. It means that you're getting 67/416.25 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass. If you don't fancy any meat, try chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, etc. You can also drink whey protein shakes, although they aren't recommended for use before bedtime. Remember, you need to listen to your body. 

If after a few days, you find your appetite increasing, then cut back on the amount of protein you consume. The same goes for vegetables. Make sure you choose fresh ones that provide lots of fiber. Try celery, carrots, potatoes, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, sweet potato, tomato, pumpkin, cucumber, and mushroom.  

Avoid those packaged food items. To make sure that you get enough vitamin B12, take supplements for people who consume little amounts of red meat. Another thing to keep in mind is the importance of carbohydrate intake. When you eat plenty of them, your body stops storing fat. 

Choose whole grains, fruit juice, honey, sugar substitutes, fruits, pasta, noodles, bread, rice, oats, milk, yogurt, cheese, and legumes to name just a few. When you feel full, stop eating. Don't go on eating until you feel hungry again. 

Your body knows how much to eat and does not need to remind you. Try to limit yourself to no more than 20 mgs of carbohydrates per meal. Keep drinking water throughout the day, never skip meals and avoid excessive snacking. 

1. Drink water first before eating anything else. Water is the best thing you can drink. When you eat something, it goes right into your stomach. If you already drank some water then it's not going to be absorbed by your stomach. So instead, I recommend drinking water first and then eating food. You'll feel full after having less food. Try to avoid fast foods if possible. Fast foods have high calories count, which means they make you gain weight. 

2. Eat smaller meals regularly. Instead of eating 6 big meals per day, spread out your meals throughout the day. Eating three small meals a day is healthier than eating six larger ones. Three small meals a day help your body get enough nutrition while avoiding getting too hungry between meals. 

3. Have breakfast every day. Breakfast is recommended because it keeps you energized throughout the day. Most people skip breakfast because they're busy rushing to work or school. Make yourself a quick breakfast at home. Avoid skipping breakfast because once you start skipping breakfast, it becomes harder to stop. Skipping breakfast affects your entire day. It can affect your mood, concentration, and even sleep. Start your day off right! 

4. Don't overeat. Many people go to bed feeling stuffed and wake up feeling starving. Overeating makes you feel tired and sluggish. It takes longer to digest food and results in losing more muscle mass. Your muscles burn calories faster than fat does. To keep your appetite under control, limit how much you eat and don't take seconds. 

5. Exercise daily. Daily workouts help keep you fit and energetic. If you exercise frequently, you'll find it easier to stick to your diet plan. Exercise helps increase blood flow, which enables your brain to function properly and makes you feel happier. A regular workout routine reduces stress, improves self-confidence, and boosts energy levels. 

6. Reduce stress. Stress causes us to crave unhealthy foods and lose focus, making it hard to stay committed to our diets. By reducing stress, we can live a happier lifestyle. 

7. Get enough rest. Sleep is very important. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, depression, anxiety, and many other mental illnesses. Sleep is important for physical recovery as well. Getting adequate sleep restores hormones and neurotransmitters. It recharges the body and promotes healing. Get as much sleep as you need.

8. Take supplements. Supplements may boost your immune system, improve memory, reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, prevent cancer, and alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions.  There are several types of supplementation depending on your goals. Check with your physician to determine what supplements would benefit you. 

9. Do breathing exercises. Breathing techniques help clear toxins from the lungs and calm the mind. Deep breathing increases the oxygen level in the body, providing energy and positive emotions. Regular deep breathing also relaxes the body and calms the mind. 

10. Take a break. Taking breaks away from the computer and television is a great way to unwind. A five-minute walk or jog outside is a good way to rejuvenate your mind and body. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the past week. Think about things you did well and things you could've done differently. Reflecting on the past week allows you to evaluate where you stand and where you want to head to.

11. Be consistent. Every single person cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle. Consistency is necessary to achieve success. If you try to eat clean every day, but only manage to eat clean one time a won't matter!

If you follow these simple tips, you will start seeing results! Remember, just change one thing at a time. I hope you find my blog useful and informative.

Thanks for reading. 

Written by: SOHAIL ISHAQ

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