Strategies for Successful Weight Loss

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A.     Eat 5 small meals throughout the day:

It’s not uncommon for people to eat three big meals per day. However, eating five smaller meals provides several advantages. First, you may feel less hungry ,and have fewer cravings.

Second, it keeps your blood sugar level steady, preventing highs ,and lows. Third, your body won’t store fat around your middle because you aren’t giving it time to do so. Try eating three meals ,and two snacks between 12 ,and 2 p.m., 4 p.m. ,and 6 p.m. ,and 8 p.m. ,and 10 p.m. If you work a night shift, try these meal times 9 a.m., 1 p.m. ,and 5 p.m.

B.     Drink lots of water:

Drinking plenty of water helps keep you full longer, so you don’t snack later. Also, drinking enough water prevents dehydration, which makes you tired ,and cranky. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty—drink 8 glasses of water each day.

C.     Include some protein in every meal:

Protein promotes muscle building ,and repairs damaged cells, helping you stay lean while burning calories. Protein boosts your immune system ,and reduces inflammation, which helps control weight gain.

Aim for about.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Fish oils, eggs, dairy products, poultry, beef, pork, nuts, seeds, beans ,and legumes are good sources.

D.     Limit carbs after dinner:

Carbs cause you to crave sweets, candy ,and sugary treats. These foods pack on the pounds ,and increase insulin levels, causing them to build up ,and block the movement of fats out of your fat cells.

Carbs are also bad for your bones; they rob them of their density. Stick to whole grains (like oats), fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts ,and seeds. Avoid refined carbs, which turn to sugar in your bloodstream.

E.     Keep portion sizes in check:

Aim for a serving size that fits your needs. A half cup of pasta contains only 4 grams of carbs, whereas a cup of rice contains over 20! Portion sizes have gotten bigger since the 1970s, so you need to adjust accordingly. Snack on veggies instead of chips, cookies ,and candy.

F.     Have fun:

When you’re done counting calories ,and carbs, go for a walk or do something else active. Your brain releases endorphins ,and serotonin, which make you happy. Exercise increases calorie burn ,and improves energy ,and mood. Plus, it gives you a mental boost.

G.     Find a buddy who supports your lifestyle change:

Having a friend or family member who supports your dieting goals encourages you to stick with the plan. You might even start setting aside money for healthier food choices ,and exercise.

Make sure to tell everyone how much you weigh before you begin the diet, though, so they don’t give you any extra attention once you put that dress back on. I hope you find my blog useful ,and informative.

Thanks for reading.

Written by: SOHAIL ISHAQ

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